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You have a problem which one off these may you be experiencing:

  1. Heating is on but it still feels cold even at 25deg.
  2. My heat pump keeps blowing hot and cold in winter.
  3. I can't feel any heat in the room.
  4. My heat pump is putting out a foul smell "smells like wet socks".
  5. I get hit on the head with what looks like small pellets coming from my heat pump.
  6. There is no air circulation.
  7. My remote is set on heat but my heat pump keeps blowing cold air.
  8. My heat pumps air circulation is noisy.
  9. My indoor heat pump makes a whining noise.
  10. My heat pump drips when in aircon mode.

If you are experiencing one of the above, the chances are your heat pumps needs a professional clean or servicing.